Case study
Playful Exploration Center
For their fully rebuilt museum, Experimentarium has launched a new web platform to inform, entertain and puzzle the visitor.
What started with a disaster, when the previous museum building burned to the ground, has turned out to be a positive rebirth. As the rebuilding commenced, Experimentarium opted for a new identity and new website platform. Our friends from Kontrapunkt did the full re-design and we were invited for complete development.

Come Spark the Curious Mind
Experimentarium, the Copenhagen-based world class science center, is famous in the region for experimenting with the visitor's senses and providing space for play and learning. Their new web platform should deliver on the same promise: It should be alive, vibrant, bubbling. And slightly unpredictable around the edges.

Building for the Unexpected
We've built a fully modular and responsive solution to provide first-class flexibility and freedom to the editorial team at Experimentarium. Via the CMS, the editors can enable or disable sections as well as move around and steer priorities.
A queue barometer has been made available to indicate the best times to visit, info screens has been set up feeding content from the back-end, a unique dimma experience was built for the onsite touch devices. Plus much, much more.

Powered for Play
With a great splash, the new Experimentarium has opened its doors to the public. And the new digital Experimentarium is on the roll with an excellent reception. The next chapter calls for more content and visits from people eager to learn. And of course new subtle surprises here and there...
Experimentarium's mission is to exhibit whimsical science in all its shapes and nuances to inspire children, youth and adults for creative exploration of the world. Folkmatic helped us with great skill and expertise with the digital execution of this vision.